The balance on 31/12/2011.
- 10 985 registered readers
- 138 322 volumes taken out on loan
- 63 156 volumes given access to in-house
- 2 227 requests for information handled (2 502 in the Main Reading Room and 1 056 in the Children´s Reading Room).
The balance on 31/12/2011.
- purchased 1 879 books worth a total of 55 630 zl, of which 31 050 zl was funded by The Municipality, and 23 580 zl -
by The Ministry of Culture and National Heritage in the framework of their programme "Promoting Readership".
- on 31/12/2011. the balance of the collections in the central library and local branches was as follows:
books - 93 342
periodicals - 4 030
special collections - 16 316
total: 113 690
- paid or received free subscription to 69 periodicals